Susan P. Blevins

Susan P. Blevins was born in England, lived 26 years in Italy, and has now resided in the USA for the past 25 years, first in Taos, NM, and currently in Houston, TX. While living in Rome, she had a weekly column in an international, English-language newspaper, writing about food and restaurant reviews primarily, though not exclusively. Since living in the USA, she has written pieces on gardens and gardening for N. American and European publications, and she is now writing stories of her life and travels, and poetry, and gaining traction in various literary publications such as New Verse News, Feminine Collective, Mused Bellaonline, Write Place at the Write Time, Scarlet Leaf, to mention just a few. She loves reading, writing, cats, classical music, and stimulating conversation.

Murphy’s Law, Volume 4, Issue 1
Beware, The Handyman Cometh, Heavenly Bites, The Joy of Fishing, The Extraction, and Mother’s Toast, Volume 4, Issue 2
A Marriage of Convenience, Reverie, Decisions, A Wing and a Prayer, and Yellow does not have a season, Volume 5, Issue 1

The Smallness of It and My Refrigerator, Volume 6, Issue 1

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